The series follows Nate, a young boy who has a special watch that lets him hunt and capture Yo-Kai, ghostly entities from Japanese folklore. Yo-Kai Watch, a series of Japanese video games with a companion cartoon and manga from RPG developer Level-5, has become a cross-media phenomenon on par with Pokémon in Japan. Luckily, there are plenty of games that replicate the beloved Pokémon formula that will hold you over until the next entry. With the launch of Pokém on: Sword and Shield in the rearview mirror, you might be craving some more critter-catching action. While this format is not quite as common as the standard RPG, there are still quite a few to choose from, all of which benefit from their own unique look and gameplay.
The real draw of Pokémon has always been collecting tiny creatures that populate the world and battling them against one another. Y ou assemble your party, level them up, customize their abilities, and engage in random battles against enemies while exploring your world. Pokémon is essentially like any other turn-based RPG, like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and Dragon Quest. Pokémon never really went out of style, but the franchise has been on people’s minds thanks to the mobile phenomenon Pokémon Goand the recent release of Pokémon: Sword and Shield on Nintendo Switch.